About me

I am in my early 30s and live with my boyfriend of nine years in the Finger Lakes region of New York. We rescue animals, eat mostly vegetarian, and do what we can to keep our family together. We have explored a wide variety of positions to make our life the way that we want it to be. We own a two acre property together that will eventually be home to many fruit trees and an orchard for cider making. 

We have three dogs that are a pain but we love them. We also have several cats that we have acquired in one way or another. As well as chickens and we did have a goat. We have sort of a hobby farm, and this year are attempting to grow our own fruits and veggies.

I have an MBA and a background in customer service management, and administration work. I love working from home and want to find a way to make it viable. If not I will get a job, (which I have been applying for) I would love to teach college, but have not had any bites to my applications. I will keep trying because I do not want the time that I spent on my MBA to be of waste.

Well that's about all, 

Here's a pic of my boyfriend and I at his family's house during Christmas a few years back.


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