The Secret; Remaining Positive in a Negative World

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Everyday I try to read or do something positive. I feel that being surrounded by positive images, can affect your outlook on life. Being positive can be difficult, when it  seems like your life is in turmoil, and going nowhere, but remember, your life can turn around in an instant.

What is a positive influence to one individual will be different for another. The key is to find something that really affects you. While I am not a huge fan of everything the author (Rhonda Byrne) of The Secret says, she does have many valid points.

In my opinion the things that stuck out the most to me when I read this book years ago were the following:

  • Always being positive; keep the negatives at a minimum.
  • When finding yourself about to think negatively, turn it into a positive.
  • Visualizing what you want out of life.
  • Stepping outside of your comfort zone to make your dreams come true.
I have been a very pessimistic person my entire life. It has been hard for me to move past this. However, this mode of thinking has done nothing for me but cause trouble in my life. Once I stopped thinking negatively as much as I used to, things changed. I started to get the things that I wanted in life. While I do not have everything that I want, and am currently in a tough situation, I know that things will work out. The trick to getting what you want is to have faith in yourself.

I know as a woman that we are taught to be perfect, but this is not the case, no one is perfect. Despite my achievements in life I still get this nagging voice in the back of my mind that says "You suck, you can't do that, you will never succeed". I am sure that many of you have that same voice. I am still learning to tell that voice to shut up. It takes a long time to turn it off, because it has been my constant companion for many years.

 I have been trying to think of the voice this way, would you let a real person talk to you that way? I would sure hope not. I know if someone talked to me that way I would let them have it. Why do we let our mind say these things to us? Why can't we just be proud of what we have done? I know that I need to do positive affirmations everyday because it is the only way that I will succeed. To me success means being happy, not necessarily having the mansion on the lake, or the giant house. While money may not be everything to me, to some it is important.

What is important to you, and what do you want in life?


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