Welcome to my blog and a little background.

I have worked for many years in a variety of positions. I have done everything from scrap gum from school desks to answering phones. In my latest foray after being laid off I decided that I would give working for myself a try. During the last three years I have obtained my Bachelors degree and my MBA.  I have been selling on Ebay on and off since 2006, and decided that I would jump back into this. I created my business and while it has been moderately successful, Ebay has changed. Also during this time my boyfriend (of 9 years) also started doing SEO content writing and I helped him write articles as well.

Over the last three years we have done a lot to get by, and have tried several freelance jobs that have helped us keep our house and family (of furbabies) all together. My recent foray is into the world of freelancing for websites such as Elance and Odesk, as well as our continued work with content writing. I also weekly try to find my first adjunct position. Which if anyone knows you can't get a position until you have experience, and you can't get experience by getting a position, it is the biggest catch 22.

Anyways, this blog will be filled with information about my freelance work, jobs that I apply for, my love for sample boxes, and of course how to cut costs to eat like a king on a pauper's budget. I have three dogs that I have to feed, (and boy do they eat a lot), as well as rescued cats, and some chickens. We had a goat but she passed away a few weeks back. Stay tuned for some interesting tidbits, and never be afraid to ask me questions.

A picture of me on our second vacation to Florida. I promise there will be better pictures than this, my boyfriend is a photographer ;-).


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